vineri, 27 februarie 2009

Moonspell si Cradle of Filth la Cluj Napoca - update

Pagina de myspace a trupei Moonspell confirma concertul de la Cluj Napoca. Alaturi de Cradle of Filth si Moonspell, pe data de 23 aprilie vor mai urca pe scena Rotting Christ, Unleashed si Turisas.

Ramane de vazut anuntul cu privire la locatie si daca se confirma toata treaba va fi unul dintre cele mai tari concerte pe care l-a vazut Clujul. Un preview al primului DVD scos de Moonspell poate fi urmarit aici.

UPDATE: Cei de la Rotting Christ nu vor participa totusi la acest eveniment. Explicatia:
"it was supposed to participate on this tour that pass from your town but unfortunatelly we had to cancel due to personal reasons.
We are currently working on the new album and when it will be out we will definitelly pass from Romania which so much we love!...and i mean that.This is not a copliment.

Best regards dear


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2 comentarii:

  1. Salut!

    Se pare ca totusi Rotting Christ nu va participa la acest turneu.

    "it was supposed to participate on this tour that pass from your town but unfortunatelly we had to cancel due to personal reasons.
    We are currently working on the new album and when it will be out we will definitelly pass from Romania which so much we love!...and i mean that.This is not a copliment.

    Best regards dear

    SAKIS on behalf of ROTTING CHRIST"

    A aparut pe mai multe forumuri de specialitate.

  2. salut! mersi mult pentru completare! o sa modific postul.


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